Tuesday 27 January 2009

Is this what happens when you take too much human growth hormone?

World's oceans will soon be ruled by IMMORTAL SELF-CLONING JELLYFISH SHOCK

When I see stories like this I so wish I was editor of Fortean Times!

Apparently most jellyfish die after having sex, but this jellyfish, known as Turritopsis Nutricula manages to cleverly revert back to a juvenile state after mating - effectively becoming a baby again and living forever. It must be a man!

Scientists say the 5mm long jellyfish can do this iforever , which explains the huge rise in the population that wash up on our beaches.

Soon, the sea will be a white mass of pure jellyfish, although when jellyfish-infused beauty products start hitting the shelves from 2012 the poor little Turritopsis Nutricula will get hunted to extinction. That will teach them for being so clever!!


Anonymous said...

Tell it like it is
We need more information like this. Your anti-aging diary is the source to trust. You are not in the pocket of pharma companies nor do you have a wink-and-nod relationship with the cosmetic giants that most glossy mags' beauty editors have. Keep it up: We need the goods on the beauty goods.

Moy from NZ

Anonymous said...

Tell it like it is
We need more information like this. Your anti-aging diary is the source to trust. You are not in the pocket of pharma companies nor do you have a wink-and-nod relationship with the cosmetic giants that most glossy mags' beauty editors have. Keep it up: We need the goods on the beauty goods.

Moy from NZ